Day 61 Eads, CO to Ordway, CO

Today’s Stats: Miles 61, +/- Elevation 1007/965, Total Miles 2,143. Weather: partly cloudy, low 90’s

A mixed bag today headwind for first 20 then road turned and we doubled our speed with tailwind. Only a few towns on the route today and they are barely hanging on. Had a propane store that sold drinks in Haswell which was 21 miles out and cafe in Sugar City at 55 miles out. Those were the only 2 stores in 61 miles.

Nice little park in Sugar City. The town once had a thriving with a sugar beet factory.

Notice we have climbed to 4,538 elevation. Also note population not on sign. We believe it is 76.

Haswell park not in great condition.

Affordable housing in Haswell

Not much in Arlington.
Old road sign in cafe.

Met David Horton oldest racer age 71!

Lodging for tonight provided by Church in Ordway “Big Blue”. Shelly and Jens also stayed here.

Have Mat will travel

Had dinner at Kimi’s cafe the only open restaurant in Ordway. The pizza was delicious.

5 thoughts on “Day 61 Eads, CO to Ordway, CO

  1. Pretty bleak country in western Kansas & eastern Colorado. Real beauty in your future, however. Hope those mattresses are comfy, but I’m sure you are plenty tired when you hit them. Yea David, 71 and still racing cross country. When there’s a will, there’s a way. You bikers are an inspiration.


  2. Looks like it would be tough to live in Haswell – very depressed and low population. You have certainly climbed high – hope that your bodies are not having any difficulty adjusting to the elevation. As Judy mentioned, you are truly inspirations to us. Keep up the amazing biking!


  3. Ah,Pueblo just down the road..I’m sure it will be a welcome sight after the early part of eastern Colorado..enjoy your stay


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