Day 56 Great Bend, KS to Ness City, KS

Today’s Stats: Miles 63, +/- Elevation, 915/482, Total Miles 1,920.

Another early start and that really helps to beat the heat. No nasty winds to deal with. A few hills outside of the town of Rush Center. A new first biting flies….boy they are annoying!

Another milestone moved to:Map 7 Alexander, KS to Pueblo, CO

Sunrise shot

Convenience store in Rush Center. Woman working there immediately said bring your bottles in to fill with ice and water! We were not sure they were open when we pulled up but was nice store with some seating inside. More locals to talk to having their coffee. We have learned people who drive cars may not give accurate advice to bicyclists on distances and elevation.

Rode today with Shelly and Jens which helped to keep us moving through the heat.

In Kansas we have see lots of limestone fence poles. Used for early construction due to lack of trees in this area of north central Kansas. Below is link to more information about them.

Limestone fence poles in action.

Saw many of these.

Motel for night can’t say we ever stayed next to grain elevator before.

Court yard of motel. Interesting hotel with pool inside and rooms opening to center. Like many small towns we pass through, this hotel has seen better days.

7 thoughts on “Day 56 Great Bend, KS to Ness City, KS

  1. Mary and I continue to be impressed by your progress—63 miles in a day is amazing. As we daily pull out our atlas to track your route, we are learning so much about our country. Very interesting that all the major cities in Kansas are located in the eastern part of the state. It is hard to believe that you are only a couple days away from Colorado. You guys are doing so well. Continued safe travels.

    Jeff and Mary

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. Like Jeff noted, that mileage is really starting to add up! When you get to Colorado, it is going to seem like you are “out west.” These updates are one of the first things I look for when I get up each morning. You two are amazing.


  3. Pat/Mark,

    All loaded, including your bikes, what is the weight that you are pedaling? Looks heavy. Thanks for sharing so much of your trip everyday.


    1. Before we left home Pat’s bike was 66 pounds with gear and mine was 86. We have since sent a few things home but weight may be more if we are carrying extra food and water. Mark


  4. Another map down to lighten your load! So glad to will have a respite from the heat for a couple of days. Sure looks fun to pedal with pals. Great job getting close to making it through another state. On my way home.


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