Day 37 Carbondale, Il to Chester, IL

Total Miles: 50, +/- elevation, 1,335/1142, Total miles 1188. It was 75 degrees today with a changing wind but not bad.

Today’s ride took us through farmland and onto the Mississippi River Levee. Ride was mostly flat a welcome relief from all of the hills. We ended the day in Chester, Illinois the home of the creator of Popeye. We rode on this section of the route in 2016 in a huge rainstorm and saw some sites we remember from that day.

Youth park in Murphysboro. IL thought We were riding by band shell at Millennium Park in downtown Chicago
Goodbye Map 10 hello Map 9 this Section is Murphysboro IL to Girard, KS

Mural in Murphysboro. Harry creature on the left is the Big Muddy Monster who was spotted in the area between 1973 and 1988.

Disturbed Eagle with his lunch
Vending machines still there by train yard in Gotham, IL. We did part of IL section back in 2016 and at that time no stores were open and we thought it was a mirage!

Pat enjoying lunch out of vending machine in front of post office in 2016.

In front of the same Post Office in 2021.

Levee controls on Mississippi
Grain conveyor to move from Barge to Silos
Park we also stopped at in 2016.

Pat riding on top of the levee.
Lots of statues of Popeye characters around town.
Even though we are in Illinois we are still a long way from home.

7 thoughts on “Day 37 Carbondale, Il to Chester, IL

    1. EC Segar the creator of Popeye was from Chester. Forgot to include the plaque about him that was below the Popeye statue. I added the photo to the post. Mark


    1. We wish we could of! Food was sparse in that town ended up at McDonalds and get this they did not carry salads in this town any longer!


  1. What a great adventure you are on, after seeing Whimpy, I have a sudden craving for a hamburger.


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