Day 27 Harrodsburg, KY to Springfield, KY

Total Stats: 35 Miles, +/- elevation 2283/2244 Total Miles so far: 822. Weather: sunny mid to upper 80’s.

Camping tonight at Idle Hour Park in Springfield, KY. Little league baseball championship game was being played!

Met E. Larson Whitt (an advid hiker) who makes all the brooms for Shaker Village nearby. Working on setting up a bike pavilion for TransAm cyclists.
Mother ship with Death Star hard at work
Quite the set up for ducks at home we cycled past.
Haven’t seen any but keeping a watchful eye!
Only grocery in Mackville closed due to owner having surgery however Farm Equipment Co invited us in. They had quite the assortment of treats and drinks.
Pat thought she could make a trade for bike. Men thought it could go 4,000 miles slowly….Pat said that’s ok she goes slow on bike.
Certified marriage bond filed in Springfield, KY for Abe Lincoln’s parents
Commemorative Statue with wedding ring symbol. The unfortunate thing was found after Abe’s death.
Chris who owns the Snappy Tomato Pizza. Lived in town his whole life and filled us in on historic facts. Was so enjoyable talking with him. He sent us to look at above statue.

7 thoughts on “Day 27 Harrodsburg, KY to Springfield, KY

  1. Think maybe you should have made a deal for the tractor, Pat – would be easier on your body! Love all of the history that you are encountering along the way.


  2. It appears that you are already half way through Kentucky—very impressive. It is amazing how many nice, welcoming people you have met along the way. Interesting that Abe Lincoln’s parents wed in Springfield, KY and Abe raised his family in Springfield, IL. Wish you continued good luck.

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  3. So much history, so many interesting people and so much FUN. Maybe not always for you, but always for me. Look forward to each day’s blog.


  4. The horse and carriage sign makes me wonder if you were in Amish country. I didn’t realize this part of Kentucky looked a lots like very southern Illinois. Beautiful to visit………..


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